Post the February 22nd Christchurch earthquake , and the many thousand that followed, I thought to myself "why stay here in the land of the shaky when I could travel a continent that supposedly is immune to huge earthquakes?".
Off to Europe I went:)
3 weeks in England - including vintage Burberry shopping, Harry Potter red carpets, and University scoping.

Off to Europe I went:)
3 weeks in England - including vintage Burberry shopping, Harry Potter red carpets, and University scoping.

While I definitely recommend searching through the roof-high-vintage-clothing-shops in Portobello market for great bargains on the luxury brands, nothing quite beats spending one night and two days camping on a Freedom Fatboy Ten Camping Chair, wrapped up in a 9pounds and 99 cent sleeping bag from Primark, topped off with a 5pound see-through poncho to protect us from the torrential that decided to grace us with its presence in the middle of the English summer. The reason? being less that a meter away from nearly all the Harry Potter stars at the World Premier World carpet. Best. Two. Days. Ever!
Next...Nice, via Paris, Bordeaux, Carcassonne, and the BEAUtiful Barcelona...
p.s. email if you want more close up pictures of the stars. My favorites were definitely Rupert Grint, and Matthew Lewis :D