"It takes a legend..to make a star". It took one hunky man, amazing dancing and costumes, and the amazing vocal genius that is Christine Aguilera to make sitting through 129 minutes of watching a very expressionless, deep voiced, heavy lidded Cher bearable. If your not into musicals, which thankfully I am, then the only bit of this movie you might find entertaining is the amazingly tastefully portrayal of the otherwise provocative burlesque performances, with the accompaniment of the Aguilera's astonishing vocals. How such a big voice can come out of such a small body baffles me. Aguilera looked super fit in every costume she wore, a vast difference from what we see on blogs and in the magazines; my favorite of her costumes would probably have been the pastel green strapless dress that made her look ethereal, however for some reason the lower half of her body did look like it had some special effects done to it, but....comme ci, comme ça.
I wont bother to comment on Cher, I might offend.
Movie rating 7 1/2 out of 10, for the dancing, costumes, singing, and Cam Gigandet
au revoir